I'm in Love With Your Dead Grandmother

Guide by cetrata93  

Choice 1: Insult Her or "Apologize" to her. Both lead to Choice 2.

Choice 2: Of Course or No. Both lead to Choice 3.

Choice 3: Was She Naughty, What Men Did she like, What's her favourite Food, Did She Like Dogs, Who is Asa Grey, Did Her Toilet Clog Often, or Never Mind? Never Mind leads to Choice 4 while the rest loop to Choice 3.

Choice 4: As Yourself, As her Dead Husband, As a Plumber, As a Ghost, or as a Dude from the 80s. Plumber Leads to Choice 5 while the rest loop to Choice 4.

Choice 5: Continue Pretending or Bake Her Cookies. Pretending leads to Choice 6 while Cookies loops to Choice 5.

Choice 6: Sleep or Watch a Movie. Both lead to Choice 7.

Choice 7 (QTE): Press X to escape or Don't do anything. Both LEAD TO Choice 8.

Choice 8: Take it Out with Your Hands or with your Hammer. Both lead to Choice 9.

Choice 9: Free if we Go on a Date or 100$. Both lead to Choice 10.

Choice 10 (QTE): Press X to escape OR Don't do Anything. Both lead to Choice 11.

Choice 11: Not My Time to Die or I'm your Step Grandfather. Die leads to Ending 1A while Grandfather leads to Ending 1B.

Leaving the game on "Choice" screens will cause the lead to make awful sounds and say random comments.

At the title screen, "About" leads to a video about going to Kimulator Games while "Extras" leads to deleted scenes and a music video.